smart renet platform
Who We are
Regional networking platform for youth education and information (Re.Ne.T)
Re.NET is a cross-regional youth platform, promoting active youth participation at regional level, where local-level youth councils, youth parliaments and CSOs, and it will provide young people with an opportunity to express policy recommendations, to foster debate and capacity-building, to exchange good practices, to reach out to decision-makers and to influence policies; and also thought as unique forum for young people from diverse regions to raise their voice collectively, while introducing a regional dimension to youth policy.
The project events, publications, key recommendations, case studies and all other project activities will be communicated to the target groups and the general public via the official IANS website, the webpages of the network members, social media, etc. Grassroots CSOs will be encouraged to provide both dissemination channels, on the one hand, and content (e.g. media notes, social media posts) on the other. Close collaboration for more effective dissemination and communication will also be established with partner organisations and networks in the region and on EU level.
Specific indicators for dissemination impact include at least 100 contributions to websites and portals of CSOs and media networks etc., 5,02,500 people indirectly reached by social and conventional media dissemination.
Interactive content for increased communication and impact
The consortium will raise awareness and disseminate the main project’s findings, statistical data and policy recommendations through interactive content and visual representations.

Our Partners
Institute for Activism and Social Change (IANS)
The Institute for Activism and Social Change (Albania), a non-governmental, non-partisan and non-political organization, is represented by a combination of experienced human rights practitioners and inspired young and energetic professionals, which believe in inclusive, empathetic and resilient societies that can fight growing social polarization, bring inclusiveness and human dignity. Since its establishment, the Institute has determined to maintain a high profile of expertise and engage elite professionals. As of today, IANS stands among most reputable organization: it operates through a diversified number of donors, as well as through institutional agreements and authorisations granted for the expertise and high-profile position. IANS is a contributor at the US Department of State Country Report on Albania.

Shelter Edlira Haxhiymeri (SEH)
SEH (Albania) Center “Shelter Edlira Haxhiymeri” (SEH), a nongovernmental organization, representing the first residential center for victims of violence and gender-based violence since 1998. The center offers services in accordance with the standards of social care services for victims of domestic violence, in residential, public and non-public centers approved by the Albanian State. SEH's mission is to address gender-based violence through supporting victims of violence, raising public awareness, and contributing to national research to better serve a healthy society and not violent. Objectives; Provision of direct services to survivors of GBV (women, girls and children); Increasing the awareness of young people and changing the mentality towards young people; Research and scientific research on social problems affecting the development of children, the lives of women and girls and gender issues.
Peer Educators Network (PEN)
PEN is a youth organization, founded in 2008, that operates on a non-governmental and non-profit basis, with the goal of establishing a community where young adults can act as catalysts for social progress. While PEN is headquartered in Prishtina, it has a presence in all regions of Kosovo. The organization has a vast network of volunteers and activists who operate throughout Kosovo, serving as advocates for positive transformation within their respective communities. The mission of PEN is to empower young men and women, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality or other social categories through programs which enhance their leadership skills while promoting human rights and active citizenship and mobilize them as agents of social change through peer education approach.

Zemja djece u BiH
Association "Zemja djece u BiH" (Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina) is a non-governmental organization founded in 1995. The organization's mission is to constantly warn society about the suffering of children and provide organized help to children, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, etc, and that by the means best adapted to their plight. Today, the organization is recognized for its successful work with the most vulnerable categories of children and youth. The models created or implemented by this association in working with children and young people, such as the Daily Center for Children at Risk are spreading throughout the country and region as examples of good practice. The organization also has a very successful history of activities, in order to provide, in addition to the direct services to children and young people, a sustainable solution to various issues in the sphere of social and health care.